
Adult Bible Study

The adult bible study at Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral is a vibrant, inquisitive, yet reverent group of your fellow parishioners who meet every Sunday at 10:15 AM after the 9:00 AM Mass. We use workbooks to help guide us through our studies, and you don’t need to be a biblical scholar to feel fulfilled. We would love to have you join our fellowship as we grow together in the Word of God.

Altar Servers

This ministry is open to adults and children who have been baptized and received communion. Altar servers provide supportive tasks at the altar, such as ringing the altar bell, carrying the cross, processional candles, or helping to bring up gifts to the altar.  Training is provided, and it is a great opportunity to learn teamwork, build confidence, while serving in this most sacred form of worship, the Holy Mass.

Mass Lectors

Is one of your talents public speaking, or do you have a desire to be better at it? Both teens and adults serve as Lectors during Mass. The readings are provided to you, as well as the training. There are a variety of dates and times for you to volunteer, and as an added blessing, you will become more knowledgeable in Holy Scripture! 

Music Ministry

Like to sing? The Harmonia Choir sings in church during Masses, Services, and in Concerts enjoyed by the parish and our local community. No singing experience is required as learning is a part of every practice session. Join us and share in this amazing ministry, as we sing to the Glory of God. 

Cathedral Ushers

Do you like meeting and greeting people? The Cathedral Ushers are comprised of men and women who provide service to the church by greeting and welcoming all those who enter the church for Masses and Services. The Ushers assist at all Masses and religious functions of the Cathedral.

The Cathedral Ushers were first formed in October 1939, but was temporarily disbanded during World War II, and reorganized in 1949. They celebrate their 75th anniversary this year in 2024!

School of Christian Living (SOCL)

The SOCL meets every Sunday at 10:15 AM, from September through May. Classes are held for primary and intermediate grade students, high school students, and even adults. The children of SOCL learn about Jesus and expand their understanding of the bible readings they hear in church. They also perform various service activities at church and in the community.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Care and the love of knitting (and crochet) have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. Many blessings are knitted into every shawl. The knitter begins each shawl with prayers for the recipient. Intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. When the shawl is completed, it is offered a final ritual before being sent along its way.

As this gift has been sent along, the blessing is rippled from person to person, with both the giver and receiver feeling the warm embrace and love of a sheltering, and loving God!  Prayer shawls and blankets are available upon request.

The prayer shawl ministry meets on the third Tuesday of every month (except August and December) at 10:00 AM. Contact Sherry Mack (412-519-8732) or Linda Klusek (716-984-4850).

Mission and Evangelism

This ministry is to bring the love, caring, and support we find in this Catholic Christian community to the community outside our doors, in obedience to the Great Commandments to love God and to love others as we love ourselves. We work to bring the Good News of the Gospel to those who await the knowledge and love of God, of hope and salvation in Christ in a variety of ways, but especially through community events for their families and friends as we share in the love of Christ.

Young Men's Society of the Resurrection

The YMSR is an outlet for service, social, and athletic activities for the young men of the parish under the guidance of our male parishioners. The society performs maintenance tasks within the church and cemetery, sponsors various sports activities for the youth of the parish, and organizes social events enjoyed by the entire parish community. Fundraising activities include sponsoring a Towel Bingo, Golf Tournament, and community activities such as a winter clothing drive.

We encourage all young and older men of the parish to join us!

Seniors Group

The Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral Senior Citizens Council (The Cathedral Seniors) was formed to provide an organization to assist parish seniors with their spiritual, social and personal needs. These needs are addressed in several ways.

The Cathedral Seniors usually meet once a week on Thursdays at 10:00 AM. At these meetings the pastor, Bishop John Mack reminds and encourages all to attend Mass, while providing support, and spiritual direction when needed.

The weekly meetings are also a time to socialize with fellow parishioners. It is a time to exchange stories of the past, a time to talk about good times, a time to discuss medical issues, and a time to play cards for those who like to play. They also play Wii bowling on occasion!  Groups are invited to come and put on presentations such as the Yellow Dot Program, Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight, and Wings of Hope. The Seniors also take this time to assist in parish activities, be it in Fish Fry preparation, making up boxes for Operation Christmas Child, or anywhere they can be of help. Most importantly, the meetings are a time for group prayer to provide comfort to those who are experiencing illness, surgery, or even death in their family. It is a time to let people know they are not alone.

The Cathedral Seniors also participate in field trips such as attending the Lancaster Opera House, a boat ride on the waterfront, or a group lunch at a restaurant.

All are welcome, parishioners and non-parishioners as well.

Ladies Guild

The Cathedral Ladies Guild welcomes all women, and girls 16 years and older.

The mission of the Guild is to promote unity of all women of Holy Mother of the Rosary Cathedral and to promote activities for the good of the parish and its members. These “prayer warriors” also pray at the request of parishioners, their friends, and families for special intentions.

The Guild also holds fund raising projects to satisfy the various needs of the parish, i.e., altar linens, bibles for confirmation class graduates, youth camp, to name a few. Charity drives are held to benefit the community and organizations in need, such as the Ronald McDonald House, Lancaster Food Pantry, Kids Escaping Drugs, and charities of interest to our members.

At least once a year the Guild runs a function exclusively for the camaraderie and fellowship of its members. Past activities include an evening of dinner theater, and a boat cruise through the Buffalo waterfront.

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