Music Ministries and Youth Association
Contemporary Group
Like to sing or play an instrument? This group is for you. Bring your singing voice to the beat of drums, tambourine, guitar, and more. All are welcome to participate in singing or playing an instrument of your choice. The cathedral youth group joins the contemporary group in song for select masses.
Cathedral Bell Choir and Harmonia Singing Choir
The Cathedral Bell Choir was established in 1997 and has existed under the continuous leadership of Jane Kubacki. This choir is comprised of members as young as 12 years old and as mature as 90 years old. Besides contributing to the music mission at Masses, the bell choir performs at Advent and Lenten Evensongs at the cathedral, and has been invited to participate in various community functions such as the annual Christmas tree lighting and dedication for Hospice of Buffalo, the Polish Christmas pageant (Jaselka) at the Lancaster Opera House, and concert events sponsored by the Church Musicians Guild of Western New York, among others.
The bell choir always welcomes new ringers to join the group. As Jane says, “You only need to know your left from your right, and how to count to 4.”
The Harmonia Choir sings in church during all Masses and services and performs in parish concerts enjoyed by the entire community surrounding the Cathedral. The choir conducts fundraising activities in support of the Music Scholarship Program of the National United Choirs of the Polish National Catholic Church.
Cathedral Youth Association/Cathedral Youth Choir
Cathedral youth are involved in various community activities such as a food drive and Christmas Shoe Box endeavor serving local as well as national and global communities. Fundraising events allow our youth to participate in Convocation and summer camp activities. Teens also serve as lectors during Mass and many are altar servers. Youth receive their first Holy Communion and Confirmation and are encouraged to be engaged in all church events. All youth are invited to participate in the Cathedral Youth Choir that sings during select Masses. Their joyful voices are enjoyed by all!